Probable Causes of Vitiligo

Vitiligo crop up when the body fails to produce the pigment, Melanin, which gives color to your skin, eyes and hair. The pigment is produced by the skin cells which are referred to as Melanocytes. So, when insufficient amount of melanin is produced then you suffer from Vitiligo resulting in white or fairly lighter patches on your hair or skin.

Home Remedies for Pink Eyes

An ordinary eye problem, conjunctivitis does not damage our eye. However, it is quite annoying and remains for a week to 10 days. Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) is an irritation caused by the inflammation of the transparent mucosa called conjunctiva that covers the white part as well as inner layer of your eyelids. It may be viral, … Read more

Common Causes of Uterus Cancer

One of the parts of reproductive system of women – Uterus is a hollow organ lying in the pelvis. It includes three parts – Top (Fundus), middle (Corpus) and bottom. Plus, the wall of the uterus consists of two layers- Inner layer which is known as Endometrium while the Outer layer is called Myometrium.

Facts About Eye-Strain

Watching too much TV, reading books, staying in front of the computer for a long time are considered dangerous for the eyes by most people. This is because people generally confuse eye-strains for some kind of serious potential damage. In reality, these activities do not cause any permanent damage to the eyes; however, eye-strains are inevitable which could be really irritating.

Causes of Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer starts when an abnormality occurs in the DNA of cells and this change is the source of the growth and division of cells at rapid rate. There are different types of stomach cancer like- Aden carcinoma (cancer in glandular cells), Lymphome (cancer in the cells of immune system), C

Probable Causes of Blood Cancer

Blood Cancer is related with Malignancy in the bone marrow or blood, plasma and lymphatic system which is referred as Leukemia, Myeloma, and Lymphoma respectively. Leukemia grows within the bone marrow which reduces the ability of bone marrow to make blood cells – red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Myeloma is a plasma cells’ … Read more

Binge-Eating Disorder (BED) – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Anyone likes to have an extra bite during the ‘Thanks giving’, ‘Christmas’ or any other celebrations. But, some might find themselves gorging on an abnormal amount of food every day, consuming more than 2,000 or more calories in a single meal. This type of unhealthy and excessive overeating at a short time period is known as binge-eating.

Compulsive Eating – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Compulsive eating is a condition in which the person loses control of when, what and how much food he/she takes. If a person has compulsive eating, he/she overeats food in large amount even if he/she is full already. The person having compulsive eating feels an uncontrollable urge to feed on more, and eats much faster than other people around them. The person might eat a large quantity in a short time period, or keep having something constantly throughout the day.

Substance or medication induced Anxiety Disorder – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

This is the type of anxiety disorder which is backed by intake or withdrawal from strong drugs or medications. In this anxiety disorder, the person shows persistent and severe signs of fear, nervousness and anxiety. However, this anxiety comes out forcibly as a consequence of consumption of harmful drugs, alcohol and even caffeine. If the disorder is a result of substance intoxication, the symptoms would last till the time period of use.