Coulrophobia Fear of Clowns- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Clowns may not be subject of laughter in actual. In fact, after the Pennywise the…
Glossophobia Fear of Public Speaking- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
It’s perfectly normal for anyone to have the tummy going all mixed up and experience…
Haphephobia Fear of Being Touched- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
One of the strangest phobias that can occur with anyone is haphephobia. It is a…
Theophobia Fear of God or Religion- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Faith and spirituality may be an inseparable component of people’s lives. But the story may…
Carcinophobia Fear of Cancer- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Androphobia Fear of Men – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Men and women have been living together on this Earth since ages. One ceases to…
Ombrophobia Fear of Rain – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Many people are fascinated by rain, and love getting drenched. But then there are other…
Autophobia Fear of Abandonment or being Alone – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Have you lately been distressed about getting left out by your loved ones, even when…
Top 10 Most Common Phobias
Phobias are the abnormal and intense fears people develop for various things one could have…
Gamophobia Fear of Marriage – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Marriage is a scared bond that binds two individuals together. While many people wait their…
Panophobia Fear of Everything- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
We live in this world, between numerous objects, animals and persons, and go through various…
Iatrophobia Fear of Doctors- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
The world would just be unimaginable without the doctors who save thousands of lives every…
Ailurophobia Fear of Cats- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Many people love cats, and there are those that don’t like them at all. Then,…
Apiphobia Fear of Bees- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Bee stings can be really nasty if you get one. While it is perfectly normal…
Chorophobia Fear of Dancing- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Have you ever felt like a lump stuck in your throat when someone asked you…
Zoophobia Fear of Animals – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
When weekends arrived, we have all excitedly waited for a trip to the zoo at…
Pyrophobia Fear of Fire – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Have you ever been scared of fire at a barbeque or while blowing your birthday…
Philophobia Fear of Falling in Love – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
People in this world long for someone to shower them with all the affection and…
Mysophobia Fear of Germs – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Cleanliness and hygiene are obviously major essentials in our daily life. Any normal person would…
Xenophobia Fear of Foreigners or Strangers – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
One of the common, yet strangest kinds of phobia seen in people is xenophobia. Whenever…
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Fear of Long word – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
A bizarre phobia that exists in people is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. As long as the word is,…
Thanatophobia Fear of Death – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
No one can escape the bitter truth that we will all die someday. It’s completely…
Nyctophobia Fear of Darkness and Night- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Nights and darkness have always been associated with grim thoughts and beliefs. While some people…
Ornithophobia Fear of Birds – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Human beings can develop fear for almost anything. Ornithophobia is one such particular phobia where…
Somniloquy (Sleep Talking) Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Do people tell you that you speak at night but you don’t remember it? Does…
Aerophobia Fear of flying – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Air travel has become an inseparable part of people’s life in this modern era. However,…
Trypanophobia Fear of Needles and Injections – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Needles and injections have become an integral portion of medical treatment, thanks to the ever…
Trypophobia – Fear of Holes
Do you ever feel a rush of anxiety and disgust seeing a lotus pod or…
Hemophobia Fear of Blood
Do you feel squeamish when you get a sight of someone bleeding? If that is…
Claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Any person would feel a little uncomfortable when put in a closed room or a…
Cynophobia Fear of Dogs – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Phobia may not always be associated with the harmful venomous creatures, but also with friendly…
Acrophobia Fear of Height – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
While many people tend to enjoy adventurous sports of bungee and paragliding from huge heights…
Narcolepsy Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that keeps people from staying awake for a long time…
Astraphobia Fear of Thunder and lightning – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Many people love to go outside and watch the rain fall down along with the…
Narcolepsy Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies
Narcolepsy is neurological sleep disorder where a person goes to instant deep sleep with prior…
Anyone would feel a little nervous to look down from a tall tower or to…
Arachnophobia Fear of Spiders – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Spiders and Spiderman might have got a trend among young people these days but many…
Ophidiophobia Fear of Snakes – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Snakes are definitely not the friendliest of creatures for human beings, but many of us…
How To Stop Binge-Eating
You see food, you eat it and yet again, the hunger snaps back. As much…
Types of Bulimia and Risk Involved
Bulimia Nervosa, also known as bulimia, is an eating disorder characterized by eating heavy amount…
Bulimia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Bulimia or Bulimia Nervosa is signified by compulsive overeating, and then purging (removing the food)…
Binge-Eating Disorder (BED) – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Anyone likes to have an extra bite during the ‘Thanks giving’, ‘Christmas’ or any other…
Agoraphobia Fear of Public Places – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Agoraphobia is one of the types of anxiety disorder in which you feel intense amount…
Compulsive Eating – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Compulsive eating is a condition in which the person loses control of when, what and…
Depression in Men
Depression is a serious mental condition that can happen to anyone, regardless of age or…
How to deal with depression
I saw the world in black and white instead of the vibrant colors and shades…
Depression And its Signs and Symptoms
Depression, also known as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or unipolar depression, is a serious medical…
Different Causes of Depression
Depression interferes with a person’s daily living, leaving him/her distressed, hopeless and helpless. Specific reasons…
Different Types Of Depression
Depression in people differs according to people and the environment they’re living in. There are…
Diets to relieve depression
Depression can make you feel empty and hopeless like there’s no way out in life….